Monday, October 24, 2011

Pink Cheeked and Sassy

Part of me wants to say that I have been sitting around, waiting for inspiration about the writing process that will make compelling reading.  The reality is that I just don’t have terribly much to say.  I am in the editing process, and have been for a while.  This is, of course, due in large part to not working very much on editing.  Procrastination is not quite the right word, I wouldn’t say I have been putting it off. More, that I have work, a blog, class, and other myriad personal engagements to attend.  This week my personal engagement was the Harford Road Zombie Crawl in beautiful Baltimore, MD.  Don’t I look precious?  The creepy clown is my sister.

So, because I don’t have much to talk about on the writing front, I am going to tell my two favorite times I embarrassed myself in front of a famous person. 

The first time, I was working on the construction crew for the movie “It’s Complicated.”  I was sitting at the lunch table, eating my Amy’s cheese enchilada plate and I looked up as the door swung open from Camperland outside of the stage.  A very tall, attractive man in that “boy next door” adorable way walked in to the building.   Well, I am sitting there, staring at him and trying to figure out from whence I knew him.   I was so sure that I knew him personally, but I couldn’t place him.  Did we go to college together?  No.  Did we work together once?  No.  Was he a friend’s older brother?  Nope.  Now, I was alone, and sitting at a table that was sort of in a foyer cum hallway, so I am sure I looked a bit out of place and by this point I had been staring at him for longer than was necessary or comfortable for him.  So, Mystery Man gives me a slight smile, and continues over to the stairwell that would eventually lead him to the soundstage, at which point it hits me.   “It’s that guy from ‘The Office!’” My brain said to my eyeballs.  That is the story of how I creepily made John Krasinski deeply uncomfortable for a second.

The other awkward moment happened in a restaurant in Westchester, NY.  I was working on a small movie with a lot of big stars, and it would have been awesome if I hadn’t been miserable.  I didn’t totally love some of the other crew members, and we were kinda’ undermanned so I was unhappy.  To top it off, I got food poisoning from the caterers.  So, we are undermanned already and now I am green hued and nauseous.  I do as much as I can, but I reach a point when I am forced to hang out by the potties.  Well, while I am standing by to be sick Catherine Keener drops by to, you know, freshen up.  Now, she is a super sweet lady, and was very kind to ask me if I was doing all right.  Of course I told her that I would be ok but this time my brain was silently telling Catherine Keener “I wish I wasn’t meeting you while I am all pukey.”  That was a sad day. 

When I get older my life will simply be a compendium of embarrassing moments in front of people, famous or otherwise. 

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