Saturday, October 8, 2011

That Old Trick

Insert joke about an elderly prostitute here:___________________________

I don’t actually want to talk about, you know, that.  That is depressing.  The old trick I am interested in is what I like to call the “miscommunication gambit.”  Sitcoms and romance novels LOVE the miscommunication gambit to create drama or complicate the situation.  I call it a gambit because many miscommunications in popular culture seem highly unlikely and therefore a calculated construction to advance plot.  Or so I thought until Monday.

Last Friday I went to the doctor for the usual annual physical and they took a bunch of blood.  I was pretty O.K. with it too, until I realized that it was my BLOOD and not dyed corn syrup.  Anyhoo, on Monday the doctor’s nurse called and since I missed the call so she left a message.  The message was fairly straight forward, explaining that I am in overall good health EXCEPT!!!  The woman actually said “except!” Except one of the test results was not in yet.  So I spend the whole night thinking I had a disease.  The specific disease is not your business, kids.

If my life were a romance novel either I would need to contact my old flame because I need his marrow, or blood, or platelets.  Or maybe, I got pregnant and I have to figure out what I am going to do, but eventually the father, or some new dude finds out and we live blissfully together, raising some other guy’s kid. 

My life is not a novel.  I am fine.  No sickness or babies or nothin’.  I was just stuck with a really horrible night of thinking I was diseased.      

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